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Sunday 26 January 2014


Unfortunately, I have not been able to progress in my project that much recently because I think I need to become more organised. This is because I need to make sure I ask for permission when I need props, actors and rooms. For example I was only lucky that my actors do A-level music other wise I would not have been able to access the drums as I did not give enough notice to Mr Munster the head of music at the school Chalfonts community college. Also I need to redo my shot list as it is quite unprofessional of me to keep rescheduling all the time. However, if I was making any form of media in the real world of work then I would pay my actors and they wouldn't have any prior commitments such as A-levels, Gcse's, after school clubs, socializing or work. This is due to the fact that they are volunteering and would commit more if they had a reward which is why I will be rewarding them with pizza at the end of filming.

Nonetheless, I do understand josh has been ill over the past few days which is why I will b taking his photo for the ancillary task on Monday at break, despite the fact that I have rescheduled that Several times. Meanwhile, I have a large amount of editing to do with the performance part of the music video. I just need to remember to get the SLR Monday morning because I will need to take the equipment back to PVA (which by the way stands for the photography video animation department which I forgot to mention before) every time I have finished with it and then collect it when I need it again. I kept some equipment for about a week because I kept rearranging filming times as things keep getting in the way such as parents evening yesterday which meant I couldn't use the room. The biggest problem is how busy everyone is I have performing arts after school every Monday and Tuesday until 6pm except this Tuesday because I have a university interview and then Mr Smith my antagonist has rehearsals with year 13 drama on Thursdays and people have plans on Fridays. I thought about getting another teacher who can do Thursdays but then remembered I book a driving lesson on Thursday as I knew we would not be able to film on that day. This is because Luis my lead singer does Drama and is in year 13 so wouldn't have been able to make filming either. I think if I were to make this promo again from the start I would have asked male teachers to be the band as this would have broadened my target audience and followed conventions more.

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