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Tuesday, 17 December 2013
I will now be sorting out my resit for AS until January to get the research and planning up to date so I can start filming for A2. I will be able to do my ancillary task once I have confirmed that I cannot get the Skeleton hand (which is probably the case) and I can get the band together wearing the same things they will wear in the promo together for a photo that I will be able to edit. I need to check if I will need a green screen as I will need to ask the Photography department. This is because I will be able to put the paint splatters in the background to relate to the music video and will be able to be edit more easily. Speaking of the music video my actress in Hannah will not be able to be in my music video as she is helping several other people with theirs. I should have speeded up doing my shot list and telling people when we were filming so I could have booked with my actors sooner. It turns out that although it is handy for my media group to be in my music video because they understand how difficult it is to get actors it does not work that well as they are facing the same deadlines as me. Hence, it will be difficult to make sure everyone is free.
Monday, 9 December 2013
New and Improved Animatic!!!
Finally I have a more conventional layout of a music video at last:
The last shot may change to the 2 protagonists and this is just a plan what I aim to do is get the band to play the song while I shoot them from 4 or 5 different angles and then in post production shots could change if I find something that looks better e.g. long or mid shots of the whole band.
The last shot may change to the 2 protagonists and this is just a plan what I aim to do is get the band to play the song while I shoot them from 4 or 5 different angles and then in post production shots could change if I find something that looks better e.g. long or mid shots of the whole band.
Sunday, 8 December 2013
Planning promo and Album advert
Now I have finished analysing existing media text I will explain the codes and conventions of Pop-punk music videos and how I intend to utilise and subvert them:
Camera Angles are conventionally varied so I will make sure I use a variety of camera angles in my music video to interest my audience. I will do this especially by filming each member of my band individually the whole way through the song so that I have more than enough footage to edit together. Furthermore camera movements are traditionally Tracking and still shots so I will subvert the tracking because of how much time it will take to make the Dolly because of my low budget I cannot buy one. Therefore I will use the unconventionally panning to try and obtain the same affect of following the characters. I will combine this with using the still shot to create a sense of familiarity with the audience. I will also challenge establishing shots in music videos because I want my band name “Conquer The Decade” which is reflective to be referenced to create synergy. I will do this by including 4 long establishing shots at the beginning of my product as this connotes that the whole thing is a flash back because it the school ends empty just like the corridors. Thus, the narrative and diegesis is reflective on the past.
Pop-punk conventions of mise-en-scene are for the band to have black clothes which is conveyed in, My chemical Romance, Blink 182, Green Day and Paramore promos. Therefore I want to copy the convention especially My Chemical Romance because they have suits and are uniform so create synergy. However, I would like to challenge the use of make up for the band which Green Day, Avril Lavigne and My chemical Romance uses so that my target market can relate to them more easily because I want both males and females to like the band. The costumes of the narrative section has also been subverted from Little Things by Good Charlotte, another music video I found after I analysed 10 music videos, as my research never really stops. This is because I will buy costumes of school uniforms for my protagonists from a charity shop because of my low budget. Plus, although they had their own ties I did not want to get paint on them in the paint fight scene. Particularly, Rob’s uniform because he is year 11 and has to use his uniform still unlike Imogen who is in sixth form so wears smart attire for that. However, in my narrative sequence I will copy both narrative and make-up because both Blink 182 and Green day have one male protagonist without make up and one female protagonist with make-up also so my audience can relate to the characters. Moreover I will adapted the narrative by combining it with Good Charlotte again because this is set in a school but the protagonists are not the band members which is what exists in most media because two I wanted to be original. What’s more, I will combine conventions from the pop music video by the Foxes and the Rock promo The Cab because pop-punk was created through the combination of these genres. I did this by using the prop of paint as a weapon of fun between the conventional rebellious youths as most pop-punk promos usually have these kind of characters in them. I will also have to subvert the use of microphones because I cannot afford them due to my low budget but I as my band actors do A-level music they could bring their instruments and I could obtain the drums and amps from the music department which are conventionally props in music videos such as Blink 182, Avril Lavigne and Green Day. Facial expressions and body language will also be used from Good Charlotte (youths bored), and band serious about music, which is in Paramore, and and Avril Lavagine Lastly, I will also copy the conventional medium key lighting in the narrative section and low key lighting in my music video because I wanted audiences to be familiar with the idea that it is a music video.
Conventional editing techniques include eye line match between the audience coming to see the band to show reaction shots which is in Avril Lavigne’s, Little Things’ and paramore’s promo all have this. However, I will develop this by including a shot reverse shot to make my product more original. I will also challenge conventions by using the dip to black to reinforce the creativity and convey emotion because the songs lyrics are “They told me I’d be fine without my former life” which is reflective because its in the past tense. Therefore, it relates to the artist title so uses synergy. I will also intercut between different locations and lip-sync in the band based section.
In addition conventions of sound will also copied and challenged for example all music videos use diegetic score but I will also use diegetic dialogue at the beginning of my music video. This is similar to Green Day both in the middle and beginning of their music video which I analysed but I will have a lot less of this sound because I felt it was not typical for a music video as Green Days video subverted conventions by putting diegetic sound into the middle of their promo. Nevertheless, I will develop my music video by import a ticking of a clock to relate once again to the title of the band “Conquer the Decade” because time has connotations of history.
Album advert
images I will copy the front cover font, colour scheme (black white red green and blue), and language (record Label, album name and band name) of the Digipak to ensure synergy is used. This will all be aligned in the centre to make sure it is clearly seen by audiences as it will take up an A4 page like the King of Leon album advert. this means the album name and band name will not be on the front cover but above and below it I will also add a web address of where to buy the album i.e. as well as the date it is available.
Thursday, 5 December 2013
Ancillary Task
Nevertheless, this is the least of my problems because I am finding it really difficult to sort out my promo. Now I have recreated a clearer version of my anamatic I need to make the shots shorter and more conventional. This means jump cutting more as my teacher reminded me that the audience doesn't really know what the school looks like so it doesn't matter if I spend loads of time filming he band during the chorus and they've only climbed some stairs because the viewers will not know how long it takes to climb the stares. Furthermore, the band members each need their moment; this is a convention of music videos I should have noticed while researching.
My friend Beth cannot find a skeleton hand but she advised me to look in hospitals for one so I asked my step brother who is training to be a doctor if he has one or could take a photo of one in the shape of the OK sign. However, if he is not successful I may need to look at my research and rethink my idea. My friend Callum gave me the inspiration of using photoshop and a copyright free image. This means I could take a photo of a skull and a photo of the lead singer Luis or the whole band and adjust the transparency on photoshop. This will link to the band Weezers and the solo artist Avril lavignes CD cover and combine it with my chemical romance's with the skull. I thought about finding a copy right free image of a hand in the OK sign but couldn't. So fingers crossed my Step brother has this skeleton hand.
Ok Alex (step Brother training to be a doctor) has access to skeleton hands but they are not the correct type like the one in beauty the fingers and thumbs are not completely movable. Therefore, I need to take a photo of the whole band and then edit their faces with photoshop to make them look skull like.
Tuesday, 26 November 2013
Editing Conventions
I have outlined each shot with a black pen and added closer shots so I need to cut them up and like last year blue tack them to the wall play around with the order. I have looked up music videos such as the following: beautiful disaster by Jon McLaughlin
This inter cuts between 3 setting the narrative the band and the singer and as researched earlier the band is shown during the chorus. However, because my song starts with the chorus so it is difficult to change. The thing is when the Chorus is playing the protagonists are flicking paint at each other. I know this would be more entertaining for the audience to watch than the band but in order to use the conventional pattern of inter-cutting it won't work. However, with the fast pace during the chorus it is easier to have the paint scene there because I can conventionally jump cut like promos do and at the same time connote a chaotic portrayal of the characters. I thought about having more shots of the band during the guitar solo while the narrative actors are running through the school but I do not have enough seconds to do this and closer shots of the characters facial expressions and body language. Hopefully, I will sort this out today because it feels quite cliché with the teacher running after the students for so long.
Thursday, 21 November 2013
Teachers Feedback
I need to make my anamatic clearer by outlining the pencil In my story board with a black pen and taking the photos closer up so I do not have to crop it as much thus it won't be as pixelated and it will be easier to see the anamatic. Also I need to change my storyboard slightly by evaluating other cross cutting sequences because there is usually a pattern to the technique for example in the chorus there are usually more shots of the band. This will be challenging but it will be worth it when I'm filming so I know exactly what needs to be shot and when. Hence I need to change my shot list slightly.
Monday, 18 November 2013
Shot list
I have now decided to change the mise en scene slightly in my story board and anamatic mentally. Therefore, the male and female protagonists will have a costume change off camera which will copy music videos from my research such as wake me up when September ends, what the hell, and the only exception all choose to not show the audience the actors getting changed. So when they leave the school wearing uniform and covered in paint they will arrive at the VIP only concert all dressed in mainstream clothing. This is because it will be easier to edit and film as I can do the school section one evening up until they pick up the paint (58 seconds) the cross cutting to the band (1 minute 25 seconds) and (49 seconds) of paint splattering and running after. Hence if my calculations are correct it should come to 3 minutes 12 seconds all together. Yay it worked. However If a problem occurs I may need to split the filming up especially the 1 minute 25 of the band to two after schools or four lunch times with the blinds closed and stage lights on in the chikara drama studio to connote darkness. Nonetheless, I will need the actors to bring in their costumes to make sure continuity is consistant throughout the music video. Also if the protagonists change from their school uniform to mainstream clothes it will broaden the audience as the band will wear niche pop punk styled clothes. Therefore it signifies that people don't have 2 dress like them to enjoy their music. Furthermore on paramore's video the only exception the female wore mainstream clothes e.g. Green army coloured coat is in fashion at the moment.
Due to redoing my storyboard and animatic I have to change my shot list slightly
Tues 7th Jan 2014 - shots in class room - Hannah Vincent Julian Smith and Callum Welsh - protagonists wear uniform antagonist teacher wears suite props pens and text books (This is the first day back so could be a bit risky as people may not remember to bring costumes in but there is an Art Exam on the week beginning the 13th so I will probably not be able to use the facilities in enough time. However, if I want to do reshooting I need time in order to reach deadlines)
Thurs 9th Jan 2014 - shots in art room - Hannah Vincent Julian Smith and Callum Welsh - protagonists wear uniform antagonist teacher wears suite props poster paint paint brushes
Tues 14th Jan 2014 - first half of shots with band in shikara Drama - Josh Riley, Oscar Bath, Reece Garside, and Luis Harding denium jeans black top black shoes actors will provide instruments - 3 guitars and the Music department will provide drums microphones and amps Drama Department will provide lights and location
Tues 16th Jan 2014 - second shots with band with protagonists in shikara Drama - Josh Riley, Oscar Bath, Reece Garside, and Luis Harding denium jeans black top black shoes actors will provide instruments - 3 guitars and the Music department will provide drums microphones and amps Drama Department will provide lights and location protagonists no longer wearing uniform but mainstream costumes
Due to redoing my storyboard and animatic I have to change my shot list slightly
Tues 7th Jan 2014 - shots in class room - Hannah Vincent Julian Smith and Callum Welsh - protagonists wear uniform antagonist teacher wears suite props pens and text books (This is the first day back so could be a bit risky as people may not remember to bring costumes in but there is an Art Exam on the week beginning the 13th so I will probably not be able to use the facilities in enough time. However, if I want to do reshooting I need time in order to reach deadlines)
Thurs 9th Jan 2014 - shots in art room - Hannah Vincent Julian Smith and Callum Welsh - protagonists wear uniform antagonist teacher wears suite props poster paint paint brushes
Tues 14th Jan 2014 - first half of shots with band in shikara Drama - Josh Riley, Oscar Bath, Reece Garside, and Luis Harding denium jeans black top black shoes actors will provide instruments - 3 guitars and the Music department will provide drums microphones and amps Drama Department will provide lights and location
Tues 16th Jan 2014 - second shots with band with protagonists in shikara Drama - Josh Riley, Oscar Bath, Reece Garside, and Luis Harding denium jeans black top black shoes actors will provide instruments - 3 guitars and the Music department will provide drums microphones and amps Drama Department will provide lights and location protagonists no longer wearing uniform but mainstream costumes
Sunday, 17 November 2013
I have made an anamatic in order to make sure my music video is in time with my song and to add to the efficiency of my pitch.
Tuesday, 12 November 2013
Due to the fact that my song is only 3 minutes in duration I have had to shorten it. This is also a result of the idea that if I have less to shoot I can shoot it with better quality. As the saying goes it's not quantity it's quality. Therefore the students no longer go to look at their reports in Mr Michie's room. This means that they just go to the art room get covered in paint and then leave the school to go to a club which is actually in the school itself but if the audience is not part of the school they would think that it's a normal club where a band is playing. Also I need better continuity which means in the detention the students need to be doing work with props such as books and pens it's read of just staring at the clock for a few seconds. Moreover when the teacher gets called to talk to another teacher the notion that they are standing outside the door would mean that the students wouldn't chance escaping the detention. Thus, I have decided only one teacher is needed as he can say "I will be back in a moment" through diegetic dialogue. This will be easier as the less people I need to get together the better because everyone is so busy. Hence I have Mr Smith. However I thought three members in a band would not be enough so I also have Josh Riley playing guitar.

Therefore I have to re-story board for these shots as well as the clock shots. This is because Mr Michie said that in post production we could slow the footage of the seconds down to emphasise that time is going really slowly in the detention. Hence I need a shot reverse shot of the clock and the protagonists reaction.
Furthermore I have a dilemma I can either use the English room which looks like a typical British class room but the teacher said that he has to stay there late marking as he does not have an office or I can use Mr Michie's room that does not have a clock and doesn't look like a typical class room as it's a media room and it is a different layout. Although I could ask to borrow someone else's clock I would have to re-storyboard most of the shots because the room is payed out so differently. These two rooms are the best because they are closest to the art department where the next scene will be filmed so it will be easier to edit and shoot if I use these rooms. I could rearrange the desks to look like a typical class room but I wouldn't be able to see the dark night as there are no windows or doors to the out side. The best thing to do is write a pros and cons list of the rooms and decided from there. This is below:
And we have a winner! I will use the class room first story boarded. The only reason I was thinking of changing it was the fact that I do not need the fire door as the protagonists can use the corridor door as the teachers won't be standing there. The continuity will thus be improved as in some schools the fire alarm goes off if you open the door.
I have also been struggling in keep up with the fast pace and getting a balance between the band and the narrative. However it does feel easier working on my own than in a group because in AS everyone had different opinions and ideas. So even though there is more work and more to the brief we now understand how to share our time and I knew how much I needed to research in order to get a real understanding of the genre my band and the product.

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This is the finished story board - the shots are much clearer in the animatic if further detail is needed |
Tuesday, 5 November 2013
Change of Heart
I have been having difficulty with finding actors to do the narrative section of my Music Video. I think this is partly because the students I have a choice from have a large amount of work to do. Also not all of them are actors because in sixth form you have the choice to do a variety of different subjects. For example I asked my friend Vienna whether her and her boyfriend would be in it however Vienna does psychology, English and Philosophy and Ethics and Chris does Btec Sport and English all of which are quite academic subjects. Thus they do not feel they are very creative hence are camera shy.
Then I asked Reece and Hannah because they are in my Media class and so know how difficult it is to get actors, but they said the same. Reece also said something that surprised me as he stated that it would be too "cringie". So I have thought about it and decided that if my next couple does not want to do the narrative section of my product I will have to change it. I will probably get two best friends who are girls to escape the detention but instead of hiding straight away in the Chikara room they would be escaping it to go and watch the band. Therefore after checking their reports on the computer and deleting them or paper copy and ripping them up they will leave the school and then magically end up at the venue of a club where the band is playing. This was at one point a back up plan but I am going to discuss my new idea with my peers as this is the target market for my products..
However, This could change my target audience to both boys and girls and I may need more actors for the rest of the audience of the band.
I am back and I have asked my amazing target audience young people aged between 10-25 what they think. The best response I got was my friend Beth's who said combine the two ideas. Genius! So I will have a boy and a girl who are friends and escape the detention to go and see a band in a club. I have also decided to use students from the music department as they understand more about the instruments and how to get it more in time. That way it will be easier to edit with lip syncing. So as soon as I have permission to use the rooms I want I can start storyboarding. Yay!!! Reece, Luis and Oscar said they will be the band members and Callum and said they will be the actors for the narrative based bit. I am getting excited everythings actually going to plan.
Then I asked Reece and Hannah because they are in my Media class and so know how difficult it is to get actors, but they said the same. Reece also said something that surprised me as he stated that it would be too "cringie". So I have thought about it and decided that if my next couple does not want to do the narrative section of my product I will have to change it. I will probably get two best friends who are girls to escape the detention but instead of hiding straight away in the Chikara room they would be escaping it to go and watch the band. Therefore after checking their reports on the computer and deleting them or paper copy and ripping them up they will leave the school and then magically end up at the venue of a club where the band is playing. This was at one point a back up plan but I am going to discuss my new idea with my peers as this is the target market for my products..
However, This could change my target audience to both boys and girls and I may need more actors for the rest of the audience of the band.
I am back and I have asked my amazing target audience young people aged between 10-25 what they think. The best response I got was my friend Beth's who said combine the two ideas. Genius! So I will have a boy and a girl who are friends and escape the detention to go and see a band in a club. I have also decided to use students from the music department as they understand more about the instruments and how to get it more in time. That way it will be easier to edit with lip syncing. So as soon as I have permission to use the rooms I want I can start storyboarding. Yay!!! Reece, Luis and Oscar said they will be the band members and Callum and said they will be the actors for the narrative based bit. I am getting excited everythings actually going to plan.
Monday, 4 November 2013
Planning my pitch I need to answer the following questions:
- What is the meaning or message of your project? How have you conveyed and created this meaning?
- Who is your target audience and how are the reflected in your project?
- what is your narrative?
- The main lyrics in the song "Lets hear it for the vague blur" are "You told me I'd be fine without my former life" which are repeated as part of the chorus explain the meaning. This is because the young person has left school and realized that he or she had more freedom and less responsibility than compared to going into the world of work or university. Thus, it is conveyed through a positive representation of age for young people. However, this could be interpreted differently depending on the audience.
- This is due to the target audience being 10-25. Hence if someone over this age watched the promo they would think the young people disrespectful for leaving the detention when the teacher's back was turned. nonetheless this is how I have reflected my target audience. The conventions in the genre of Pop Punk express the positive representation of males which is dominant and strong. Therefore I have made my target audience white English (,American, Canadian or Australian) males (basically any English speaking person) as this is what is prevalent in my research which will be developed slightly as it will be portray this with the ratio of females to males being 1/2-4/5 depending how many actors I can obtain. So although I will have this target audience it is not treating the audience as though they are unintelligent but just hinting slightly because there are still girls in it.
- The male and female protagonists are in a school (portrayed in a long shot of the English department or outside of the Chalfonts Community College) in a detention (conveyed through a close up of the clock and the darkness of the outside which reinforces the rebellious free nature of the students as the students have been so bad that they have had to stay until it was dark) the teacher gets called to the corridor to talk to another teacher and the student protagonists exit the fire escape and the teachers start to chase them round the school.(the audience is notified of the students age as I hope to get hold of old uniforms either from actors or I will just borrow them from lost property but if I cannot I will just ask the actors to wear black bottoms white shirts and a black blazer as this smart attire is iconic for students to wear). Anyway, the students will run outside into another building and up to art with the teachers running after them. The students will start flicking paint at them which will relate to the CD Digipak as there will be splatters of paint on the background. Then they will run through the winter gardens to Mr Michie's room (if I get permission). Here they will look through either folders or SIMs an interactive program which holds the students reports.(I may make this up on publisher or photoshop and use the real program as a template as I may not be given permission from either the actors or teachers to use the actors real reports. The protagonists will continue to be chased to the Chikara drama building where the band is playing. Throughout the whole video it will be cross cutting back and forth to the band acting as though they are playing instruments, lip-syncing and breaking the fourth wall and to the narrative. The couple come into the studio warn everyone about the teachers and then the song ends in a really fast pace so I was hoping to cut away from the band to the teachers and when the teachers come into the room all the actors are hiding. Thus the camera zooms into the foot of the female protagonist who is behind the curtain with the male protagonist no non diagetic music just like the beginning where there is just the diegetic sound of the clock ticking. The two main characters have a moment and just before they kiss the music video ends. It is quite similar to Blink 182s music video After Midnight but has quite a different meaning as it conveys the positive or negative representation of disability as it is set in a psychiatric ward. Thus, I have used this as nothing more than inspiration and developed it to suit my song.
Friday, 1 November 2013
Album adverts ideas
There are lots of different types of album covers and so I'm probably going to chose the top right one because it's simple but big. Therefore it will grab peoples attention.
Sunday, 27 October 2013
Monday, 21 October 2013
conventions of music videos
- Editing -The band breaks fourth wall whereas narrative is cut to quicken pace. For example Avril Lavigne's first costume change is edited out to keep up with the rhythm of the music. Also Weezer goes back and forth to the band and the narrative and to the rhythm. I was hoping I could have filmed in black and white to show age but my feedback from my survey says not to. I also consider using an effect to make it look antiquated so that it will follow the theme of history.
- Camera - There are mainly mid, long and close up shots to introduce characters and convey detail of emotion.
- Mise - en - scene - usually has microphones and a stage for the band and props that help the narrative continue for example Paramore.
- Sound - Non Diegetic is the main form of sound used because the singers lip sync and the people playing instruments are usually acting as though they are as the music is pre-recorded.
- Light - None of the music videos that I have evaluated have been black and white. Thus this is not a normal pattern of the genres Music videos. However, I will have to check with my target audience by looking at the survey.
I also thought about doing a war narrative based video as Green day (wake me up when September ends) Paramore (Now) and Avril Lavigne (When your gone) are all pop punk and contain this as the plot of their storyline. However, I do not have to budget for the set or scenery for this idea even though it would follow the conventions and lyrics of the music well.
Costumes - as explained in my mind map I will hopefully get the actors to use old school uniforms or hopefully they have a black pair of trouser and a white shirt then I could get hold of school uniforms jumpers or blazers for students. I will ask the teachers to wear suits and identify tags so that they look professional and show their age and this will separate them from the student. The location reinforces the representation of age because it is in a school.
Monday, 7 October 2013
Planning notes
This is my to do list for planning I will need to brainstorm all my possible ideas in order to narrow down my options.
Thursday, 3 October 2013
Total guitar cd adverts
Images - Three pictures of album covers for the Beatles, the Stones Roses and The Verve. The fact that these are the only images emphasises their importance.
Colour: Yellow - Bright vibrant catches eye of audience black stands out against yellow and can be clearly read. Black box around the album and artists name to create a brand. the "Three" is in red and "of a kind" is underlined in red which puts emphasis on the fact that there are three albums being promoted.
Font: "Some might say" is in bold and italics because it is a bands name and they are trying to attract the same audience that likes this music, It says in medium font which 'Three of a Kind' is slightly bigger than the description of the album which draws the attention of the readers more. I looked up "I'm only Sleeping" and it turns you this is not the name the album but a song in the album. The Album name is on The CD cover its self in really small font "Revolution". Nevertheless if they like the song they will probably buy the album. I probably would have been better if they had done a promo for the song advertised though. the Drugs don't work track by The Verve is in the album called "Urban Hymns" which is explained in the description are in italics unlike the rest of the description which is in normal small font. "this" is repeated in the advert as a whole twice once for the Beatles and then again for the stone roses to say look at this advert. There are also in bold. However "Introspection" on the verve is in bold hence it is just following the brand.
Language - I'm Only Sleeping by The Beatles "Has plenty of strummy acoustic major chords" - This uses music terminology to give an professional edge to it. Also Major Chords are happy sounding notes so the album has a cheerful tune. However it also says "This track" so I looked it up and it is only advertising the song. Moreover "acoustic" means pure music without any editing or post production done to it. There are also positive describing words in the Waterfall track by the Stone Roses such as "great" which persuade people to buy the product. Furthermore, as it says "Manchester" shows a positive representation of regional identity for the "poppy" and "Rock" Genre. Lastly the Drugs don't work track by The Verve. "Three of a kind" is almost a play on words as it is instead of "one of a Kind" also kind is another word for genre and as it says "if you like this music you should like this music" it is because they are of the same style of music and have roughly the same audiences.
Layout - The rule of three has been used which is visually appealing to the eye. This is because it is almost symmetrical if you split it down the sect album with is enhances appealing theory. The albums are split up by a back dotted line to create a structure it is like a border. this gives a columned effect like a newspaper informing through account of fact. There for it infers that the descriptions are fact when the are infact positive opinions and renationalisations.
Unfortunately, there is not a music video for the Beatles album but I have found another one from the Hard days night album called The Hard Days Night. This is common for old promos to have the same name as the album because when we look up the name on the internet it comes up with both the song and the album. This could be classed a clever synergy as when they hear the song on the radio they look up the name and find the whole album which hopefully customers will buy. However this is probably due to the target audience as they are older and probably wouldn't go onto the internet to watch music videos or buy music from iTunes as they may not know how. Nevertheless, there is one from a different album which doesn't really have a narrative and isn't a performance based but it makes sense. I think it is trying to imply that it is hard work keeping away from all the fans.
Mise en scene costumes - suits are used to convey wealth and during the time period it was fashionable for boys to wear suits when dressed to go out., their manager decided that they would create a great image by wearing them. The time is emphasised by the props; public telephones were used instead of mobile phones.The further use of props includes the mustache and beard used as a disguise the Beatles from their fans. Facial expressions and body language is excited from both the fans and singers. However, the stars seemed quite scared at some stages, they had never seen fans behave this way before. Thus it can infer that women are interpreted in a negative stereotype of representation and men a more powerful positive one.
Sound - no non diegetic which can be heard in the background and all diegetic sound supported by images on screen.
Editing - No lip syncing even though it was produced in 1964 and it was invented in the 60s. Black and white effect conveys its age. there was a cut away to a man trying to open a triangle carton of milk with his teeth and spilling it because of the crowds. This also shows the time as cartons are now in the shape of cuboids instead of pyramids like jubblies.
Camera - the first shot is a long head on shot of the singers being chased by their fans. Hence portraying the importance of the stars as they are seen more clearly in the video. hand held camera used to create a faster pace and make the audience feel they are part of the promo.In addition one of the band is on the telephone and you get a good face shot.
I could only find a performance based video for The Beatles. This is probably due to the genre of the music as it has to follow the conventions of other promos in the same genre in order to keep familiarity.
Monday, 30 September 2013
The devil wears prada
Sound - Like most music videos this uses non diegetic music as they are lip syncing the words and acting as though they are playing then when it has been in fact pre recorded. However, I am not sure if I could tell if the music was on screen or been edited on later. I think the sound wouldn't be as clear if it was live. Hence this is the reason they edit it on in post production to make the music clearer for the audience to hear. Another reason is if they are playing instruments or doing physical activity such as dance at the same time it is easier to breath without multi tasking. In this case it is because they are playing instruments but if you ask me the lip syncing does not help the clarity of the words or notes. I think this may be due to some editing on the sound as they could make the screamo lower and louder in post production.
Editing - there is a large amount of cuts in this video due to the fast pace of the music it cuts from the narrative to the band a range of times. Unfortunately I do not understand what the song is saying as the screamo is really tricky to decipher. thus I looked up the meaning of the song to get to grips with the narrative. The lyrics apparently have a number of interpretations about idol-ism, learning from our mistakes and negativity about war. Apparently the band is all about religion which is very clear from the logo. see CD cover below.
Camera The extra close up of the lips kissing the metal creates a disorientation of mystery this is reinforced by the woman's hand which is repeatedly seen. This could lead to the negative representation of women as they are not important enough to show their features bodies or whole faces. This is the basis of most religions as women cannot be priests in the Catholic religion and cannot be seen in the Muslim faith as they have to wear Hijabs which are garments where only their eyes are seen. Also the camera angles of mid shots pan across silhouettes of the band which enhances the mystery of both the CD advert and CD cover as we do not actually know what the artists look like. There are also a large amount of close ups of blood and the singer to convey the detail. Lastly when they go to the narrative instead of pan shots with the band the camera zooms in to the logo and the fruit on the floor which is rotten to the core and could be interpret as the sacrificing of children is not acceptable in society.
Mise En scene:
Costumes the male protagonist the only one in white connoting purity and thus the protagonist as they are usually the hero. Also has his or her face covered the combination of a baby and the bands name the Devil Wears Prada creates the notion that the baby is a sacrifice just like Jesus but instead of for the people for the devil. The fact that all their faces are covered reinforces this idea as it is almost as though they are in a cult or the sacrificer does not want his identity on display like a villain.
The artists body language and facial expressions are quite passionate about the music but also quite aggressive about the lyrics and how people do not learn from their mistakes about death from war. This relates to religion because I reckon most war is about religion (either that or oil) e.g. the first and second world war were about the desire to have an Aryan master race, so systematically began by killing Jews
The props of the fruit symbolise the fruit that Adam and eve at in the old testament of both the catholic faith and also the Jewish faith. The dark red fluid dripping symbolises blood when its probably just ink or a prop. There are a lot of American dollars on the floor connoting two interpretations of a negative and positive representation for ethnicity. This is because positively it denotes wealth but negatively the camera angle is a high to low shot of the prop which could infer that they are greedy as the audience is looking down on it in shame. Moreover, another prop uses was a noose which is a weapon so connotes power thus emphasises the stereotypical dominating male. Additionally, the noose makes the tone and mood even eerier. The last shot is of ashes this could be identical to fire which relates to hell. I do not know if I am letting my imagination fly with this one but the ashes are placed exactly where the money fruit and baby were put so these could have been burnt to create the ashes and be the sacrifices the religious people made to the devil.
CD cover
The logo is in the centre (conveys importance); a triangle with two short lines and one long line going through the top line of the triangle I think it is trying to symbolise Jesus' death as two other criminals were crucified with him but his cross was the biggest in paintings to emphasises his importance. The bands brand all they have - as there is no text reinforces mystery - who is the band? What is the album called?
black and white connotes death and purity Heaven from purity and Death from the black synergy as this is the same as the album advert.
Kings of leon
In order to analyse this CD advert and reveal how synergy has been created I will have to analyse a music video CD cover and this advert. This is because I have now understood the connotations of the genre Pop punk. Therefore as King of Leon is of a rock genre it will also be interesting to contrast these genres as Pop punk evolved from Rock. Moreover, I will be able to understand CD promotion further in magazines as I will have to get to grips with the conventions of CD adverts as quick as possible because I am behind and should be doing my planning by now.
This CD advert is basically a copy of the CD cover from the digipak. Nevertheless there is a shop name HMV and the Music producers logo in the bottom corner of the advert.
Colour - Black background connotes death and the white font connotes purity. It is used to give the details about the band, the date of the album will be released the website where the album is sold and the music producers. The logo of the place where you buy the album is in pink so that it stands out and follows the brand of the shop thus using synergy to promote this shop and complies with registered trade mark legislation as HMV is a registered company.
Font: the info of the new album is is big bold and all the same size except the music producer and the shops website. Therefore the attention is drawn to the product. This is because the artists name is quite big but the album name is even bigger.
Layout the CD covers layout is in a rectangle portrait with the shops logo aligned to the right hand corner and the music producers logo aligned to the left hand corner. This gives a symmetrical effect as everything else is in a centre alignment.
Language - Mechanical Bull is the name of the album therefore it is short and sweet and follows the brand of the CD cover. Also a bull is quite a vicious animal therefore making it mechanical like a robot or computer makes it even more smarter and stronger. It also made me think of the rodeo bull which are ridden until people are thrown off by real bulls which is a very dangerous sport or the ones which are electronically operated called Bucking Broncos. Kings of Leon denotes royalty. One interpretation of Leon rhymes with neon which is what the album cover and CD advert is like. However the real interpretation according to the following website is that "Band members and brothers Caleb, Jared and Nathan Followill named the group after their father and grandfather, both named Leon."
However this is the same as the image on the analysis which is below:
The fact that they are so similar shows synergy as it promotes both the magazine as people that like the band will recognise the brand and if there is information about the band then they would want to know all the gossip. Also people who like the magazines genre may want to buy the album as they are familiar with it.
Image The arrow and the albums name is like a clubs sign which is iconic to the genre of rock. The genre is reinforced by the black background. The arrow emphasizes the importance of the sign by pointing at it and adding a graphical effect.
Colour red connotes blood, blue connotes masculinity and yellow connotes brightness which is why they are like neon lights.
Font the mechanical word is joined up like humans handwriting whereas bull is bold and printed suggesting that they are already strong and big.
Layout - it is all centred except the bands name which is centred at the top of the cover.
Mise en scene
Body language Facial Expression - quite relaxed and happy with the male protagonist and antagonists. whereas the female antagonist is happy and sassy (almost a sex symbol - legs crossed with good posture sitting on the car bonnet.) Thus, I think the representation of this video is a stereotype of gender both male as they like cars and female and females as they like males.
Costume This follows the same fashion style as the 1950s with the denim and is iconic for teenagers then which is probably why it says "teenage head" in the latter part of the video. This also reinforces the stereotypes as all teenage boys think about is cars and teenage girls think about is boys. When the girl cuts of one of her buttons with scissors it emphasizes that they are sassy and confident on one hand but then sex symbols on another. It depends on how you interpret it.
Make up the above is reinforced by the girls lipstick and nail varnish. However I also feel the males are wearing fake tan either that or the editing effect darkens their skin tones.
Props - The milkshakes or icecreams at the beginning are classic and iconic to the 1950s. The fact that the girl is pouring it conveyed through both the close up shot and diegetic sound portrays the stereotype of women in kitchens doing cooking and cleaning. The advert in the background is also iconic to the time.
Lighting - is high key as it resembles the 1950s films that were viewed with projectors and shown in the cinema.
Diegetic - at the very beginning there is a car motor heard reinforcing the male stereotype
Non Diegetic - They are once again lips syncing even though it wasn't invented until 1960
Editing - This video uses cool effects that are kind of negative black and white parts of the frame and I am assuming the rest of it is a tribute to the 1950s (guessing) as there is a real tinted tone of the colour that livens the music up. This video is more of a performative based video which cuts away to
Camera Angles - there is a close up of an African American girl chewing and blowing up chewing gum expressing a seductive facial expression. This could also be a representation of ethnicity as in the 1950s when it seems to be set racial segregation was happening in the USA.
Wednesday, 25 September 2013
Summary of cd digipaks
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Moreover, the background will be white to combine and transfer my previous ideas the Blink 182 cover and connote purity as my positive representation is of age which could be interpreted as innocent like The Get Up Kids albums name. However, I will use different colours for the splattered paint instead of pink and black I want to make it more masculine by using bright green (like Weezer) and and light blue (like the Starting Line) I was thinking to include red splatters as well but I think that will be too much. Also the splatters could suggest that kids painted them as they are free of responsibility.
Therefore, I will try and challenge the conventions by having the artists name in red as none of the Cd's covers I have analyzed have this they only have the albums name in this colour for example Green Days and Taking Back Sunday is in white.
In addition, like The Get Up Kids has robots, hence I will have a lens in the middle of the OK sign to suggest that everyone is being watched by robots.
Furthermore, I will use the Motion City soundtrack and put the artists name in the same position and use the same a mixture of this font like the Green Day and Avril Lavigne. I will also transfer the same colour of Paramour's albums name for my album name Lets Hear it for the Vague Blur but use the scruffy kind of font from Motion City soundtrack and The Get up Kids. I thought about turning it 90 degrees anti-clockwise but thought it way not be clear what the sign is then.
In order to engage and interact the audience I have to produce a product that is familiar to my target market thus I have to combine transfer and develop my ideas. However, I will have to challenge these patterns of genre in order to interest broader audiences, be creative and appeal to people that like bands of the same genre but not by copying parts of their work. Usually if I look at a range of different designs I can use them as inspiration for my on choice of design.
I also had another idea which was to have a tea stained CD cover and keep it quite plain. This was it would once again relate to history. I would like this because my bands name is "Conquer of the Decade". My other idea relates to this because in the battle of Agincourt 1415 the hundred year war the French threatened to cut of the first two fingers of the English longbowmen to stop them firing arrows and permanently disarm them. When the English soldiers won they waved their fingers definately. This is where swearing with our index finger came from Swearing with the middle finger originated in 423 when it was used in a play to represent a man's penis and testicles by socrates. Having research these hand gestures I feel that they may not be appropriate to my target audience of 10-25 year olds as most are reliant on parents to purchase the product
I did consider the two finger gesture which symbolizes peace which was used in the war to indicate victory. This got me thinking about other nation wide symbols such as the OK sign which is often used in diving because everyone knows it. Hence, this is a safety tip as when someone signals to go to the surface of the water for oxygen the other person replies with the above symbol.
The codes and conventions of CD covers is that they usually have an album name artists name and image. Digipaks have a booklet with the lyrics inside, and on the front of the booklet is the CD cover. Behind where the CD is placed is the image used on the front cover with less detail on it and the back cover usually have the acknowledgements and song list which which is quite plain and simple. I will not use any codes and conventions from the devil wears Prada or Kings of Leon because I only analysed these because I felt that I needed to research synergy between the CD covers and the album adverts. This is because they are of different genres to the pop punk sub-genre.
The get up kids
Images an animated drawing of two metal robots because one is leaning on the other it is as though the smaller one is younger and possibly a child which links to the title The Get the Kids Up. Hence this could be a positive stereotype of age with innocents. I was thinking of having a lens in the centre of my album cover to imply that due to the development of technology everyones being watched by cameras but I don't know if that would make it too busy. Nevertheless, this could challenge the conventions of this bands CD cover which is quite simple.
Colour two different purples have been used both connoting royalty so if you supposedly buy this album you are royal. They are all once again quite mellow colours possibly connoting the music is quite calm with the beige and the grey. This black album name against the beige slightly stands out but the write definitely stands out against the purple and connotes purity perhaps the kids are pure and innocent more than robots
Font the album names writing is handwritten whereas the artists name is printed thus they are slightly different but are still quite scribbly and thin which I think I will develop by using this as just my album name and use a thicker font for my artists name. Nevertheless they follow the codes and conventions find in CD covers I think in general even if they are different genres the artists name is larger than the albums name if it has an albums name (unlike Weezer).
Layout the album name is aligned to the left in the bottom corner whereas the the arts name is aligned to the right in the top corner. This creates contrast and juxtaposes each other. Its quite calm as it isn't busy thus it reinforces that the CDs music will be the same.
Language - Something to write home about is almost labeling the album as the say the music inside is something to write about to tell others family about the amazing music - directing the audience to write home about it. The Get Up Kids reinforces the positive representation of youths because the name infers that kids are enthusiastic and energetic. I also looked this name up and found it was named after The Cure's "Suburban Get Up Kids" in
Tuesday, 24 September 2013
Body Language they are all posed as if to say i am ready to make some music with eye contact with the audience especially the one furthest to the right with his heads behind his back as if to say we've been waiting for you - bit creepy but not as creepy as the facial expressions which are quite stern especially the one closest to the left he looks almost angry with his scrunched down eye brows and screwed up face. These poses are use to show that the band are serious about their music.
Colour - lime green connotes jealousy but is probably just there to attract attention because it is so vibrant or the video perfect situation the guy purposefully got rid of the girl in order to take her place as lead singer. Thus he was jealous of her in that song from the album. I think the colours I will spatter on my CD cover will be red (connotes death/blood) this green (stands out) and light blue (masculinity) with a white (purity) background and black (connotes death) font and logo. The white font is pure and stands out against the green.
Font - clear wide and lowercase with very little text it is difficult to analyse.
Layout - all aligned centre almost symmetrical which is appealing to the eye. However, the band is kind of clustered to show that they are a group - a force.
Language - "weezer" according to the perfect situation video it was called weeze when the girl was in the band but then changed to weezer when the guy took the lead of the singer.There is no album name which provides mystery and intrigues the listener to question what is the album about. Additionally, the lead singer Rivers Cuomo had the nickname Weezer in school because of a breathing problem according to which states rock band name origans from his health problem. The glasses in the image reinforces the dorkiness of the band because they are wearing glasses which is a negative stereotype against disability.
I feel that even though I found that these bands were on this link saying that they are pop punk I think this one is more popie because it reminds me of LND (above) and everyones on it by Lilly Allen. Unfortunately the original and official video has been taken off the Internet and I can't seem to find it so you won't be able to look it up. Moving on the CD cover follows the bright pop iconic genre, but the music is quite punkie.
Mise en scene body language and facial expressions - all of the people that lip sync to the chorus and lyrics "on drugs" have really spaced out expressions and are almost like human robots with no emotion. Whereas the male protagonist is muddled this makes the audience slightly confused as they follow his perspective conveying his importance.
Colour - lime green connotes jealousy but is probably just there to attract attention because it is so vibrant or the video perfect situation the guy purposefully got rid of the girl in order to take her place as lead singer. Thus he was jealous of her in that song from the album. I think the colours I will spatter on my CD cover will be red (connotes death/blood) this green (stands out) and light blue (masculinity) with a white (purity) background and black (connotes death) font and logo. The white font is pure and stands out against the green.
Font - clear wide and lowercase with very little text it is difficult to analyse.
Layout - all aligned centre almost symmetrical which is appealing to the eye. However, the band is kind of clustered to show that they are a group - a force.
Language - "weezer" according to the perfect situation video it was called weeze when the girl was in the band but then changed to weezer when the guy took the lead of the singer.There is no album name which provides mystery and intrigues the listener to question what is the album about. Additionally, the lead singer Rivers Cuomo had the nickname Weezer in school because of a breathing problem according to which states rock band name origans from his health problem. The glasses in the image reinforces the dorkiness of the band because they are wearing glasses which is a negative stereotype against disability.
Props - this is the third pop punk video I have watched that has started with someone waking up in bed. when the male protagonist gets this hair cut it is obvious that it isn't a very trust worth company because it only has a few cans of hairspray and scissors it is quite dull and dodgy. the male antagonist digging with a drill in the wrong place reveals the erratic behaviour.
Costumes - these follow the same brand as the front cover with the vibrant colours. except the other character e.g. the male antagonist wearing an american police uniform which creates a worry for the audience as he is guiding the traffic badly, also a female antagonist was driving a car was wearing mainstream clothes with her daughter in the back reinforces this emotion of worry. Both the daughter, the paper boy the older woman who crashes into the male protagonist and the young girl on the tire swing were also wearing mainstream clothes which infers even normal people take drugs not just celebrities. The priests costume connotes that even the people you are supposed to trust are not worthy. this is emphasised with the nurses and fireman's costumes all connoting their authority as these are iconic costumes. Hence the people that are supposed to be running the world like the president or a bus driver who are not doing it safely because they could have taken drugs.
Editing - the director has decided to select some of the costume change and cut out the costume changes to quicken the pace as the music is very rapid as well. the cutaways to the wet band playing foresees the fireman being on drugs and spraying fire on the opposite house as the house on the other side of the road is on fire. cutting back and forth to the band also makes the pace of the video quicker and brakes the fourth wall reminding the audience of reality like all music videos. When the male protagonist get hit with a piece of wood it is obvious that we are following his narrative because it blacks out and gives an upside down close up of him in a ambulance bed this is obvious from the mise en scene. The fact that he is upside down also disorientates the audience therefore they understand his emotions.
Sound -There are no non diegetic sound at all e.g. knock at the door, the crash of the car or spraying the fire out. Even though people are lip synced to the lyrics there is no added sound thus lacks in continuity and gives a sense of disorientation. The guitar solo kicks in when the hairdresser was about to shave all of the male protagonists hair this creates tension and a climatic point it demonstrates that we trust people who could be on drugs and doing their jobs on a high.
Camera- There are a range of camera shots and angles most of them when introducing characters and settings are long and mid shots. from the middle to end the band is shot mostly in close up. when the male protagonist is walking down the road tracking is used. Close ups are used when the characters are driving on objects such as scissors and the two carts crashing to show detail.. Zoom out is used when the policeman is directing the traffic in the wrong direction . This is used to portray a wide shot of all the traffic and the chaos it would have caused if the cars had crashed as the policeman appears to be high on drugs
green Day Digipak + wake me up when september ends
Image - This is a graphically designed logo of a grenade in a heart shape almost bleeding; as the red paint ie dripping down the the hand that is clutching the grenade. The fact that the grenade is shaped as a heart is symbolising the saying "pulling on heart strings" maybe some of the songs are love songs in the album. Or another interpretation is that the representation is portrayed as negative to American ethnicity because they are too powerful with a great deal of money and weapons. Nevertheless I like the stencil effect and may try to achieve this with a peace or OK sign with hand gestures. As Conquer the Decade could relate to history and I think in the album there are war songs so it could work well.
Colour - Red connotes death most certainly even though the grenade is in a heart shape - white connotes purity almost as though the hand is innocent and shouldn't deserve to bleed or die. The colours could also convey a positive stereotype of English or American ethnicity as the white hand is brave enough to touch the grenade even though the person bleeds from it. However this could also be classed as negative because they could be foolish enough to pick up the grenade thats about to blow up.
Font - The album name is once again bigger than the artists name again, and the artist name is in capitals and the album name is in lowercase putting more emphasis on the bands name. Once again there is a sketchy font being used for both names. This is except the "presents" which emphasizes the importance of the words.
Layout -"presents" is right next to the i's dot in american kind of signifying a bullet point in war stating the soldiers mission. Also the hand and grenade is almost like a stencil - this is iconic to the band as many recognise the grenade as a fashion symbol.
Language - Green connotes jealousy thus one interpretation of the bands name is a jealous day. I looked it up and Green day is one of the [seven plagues] that will change the course of all "green life" as well as the third part of all humanity. or it could also be a day for smoking Marijuana according to American idiot is similar to Bleed America with the derogatory stereotype that Americans are not very smart. This is reinforced by one of the bands songs in this album the lyrics say "I don't wanna be an American Idiot" inferring that all americans are idiots which of course they are not. Therefore, the album cover could represent a negative stereotype of ethnicity.
This video reminds me of Avril Lavigne's when your gone because its about a woman's husband going to war and had unfortunately passed away just like this one. Thus, the narrative must be a convention of this genre and both videos are performative and narrative based. This is reinforced by the actor in the video as she looks like Lavigne. This is either a coincidence or this is what girls should look like in this genre "blonde hair blue eyes, and confident". Nevertheless, it would be too difficult to find a war location and do explosions with fake guns and stuff. The CD cover is linked quite closely with the theme of war.
Editing -Then again I like how this is edited with band playing and singing separately. Most of the professional music videos have very good lip sync editing. This is probably because the band wrote the song but as I am using actors it could be proven as a bit trickier as they will need to learn the lyrics and the rhythm to act it out and mouth the words. However, like most videos it cuts between the story and the band which is what I plan to achieve. I think it was effective how the story was happening in different locations as both characters and actors were thinking of each other. The slow motion effect is used a variety of times especially at the end which makes a contrast with the pace of the music. I think music just tends to increase in pace at the end because it spends most of the beginning building up in this case building up the tension and then releasing in music
Mise en scene - the beginning the facial expressions and body language is relaxed and happy as the male protagonist laughs when the female protagonist says "don't ever leave me" as we replies "I won't" this is ironic as it girders the future as he leaves her to go to war. When the girl finds this out she gets angry and starts to cry as he broke his promise this is when body language and facial expressions all change as she slams the door and storms out to him and falls to the floor with sadness after his facial expressions change to anger. Thus the tone and mood of the song changes as the audience feels sympathy for the couple.
The location and lighting is really bright and sunny in a field of yellow flowers which is a huge difference to the next location through an extra close up if the singer in the band with black make up over his eyes. This is very rockish and pop punk developed from rock thus has elements of the genres conventions running though it. The lighting also changes just before the female protagonist finds out that the male protagonist is going to war; there is a silhouette of the singer with a red background which connotes blood and death. The location changes again as it goes to a performative based set as its a stage with bright lights and then the percussion comes in.
The people in the story are wearing pretty mainstream clothes e.g. patchwork shirt and black top and then after 7 years passed they have changed clothes off screen their new costumes is a white top and a beige top with denim jeans which follows the codes of the pop genre. However, when the guy goes to the army he wears the iconic camouflaged clothes.
The location and lighting is really bright and sunny in a field of yellow flowers which is a huge difference to the next location through an extra close up if the singer in the band with black make up over his eyes. This is very rockish and pop punk developed from rock thus has elements of the genres conventions running though it. The lighting also changes just before the female protagonist finds out that the male protagonist is going to war; there is a silhouette of the singer with a red background which connotes blood and death. The location changes again as it goes to a performative based set as its a stage with bright lights and then the percussion comes in.
The people in the story are wearing pretty mainstream clothes e.g. patchwork shirt and black top and then after 7 years passed they have changed clothes off screen their new costumes is a white top and a beige top with denim jeans which follows the codes of the pop genre. However, when the guy goes to the army he wears the iconic camouflaged clothes.
Sound - Diegetic the couple talking - I personally feel the dialogue is fractured and it has the feeling of a documentary so I believe it makes it have a cheesy tone especially when they start talking in the middle of the song. The comments on YouTube about this prove that familiarity is essential as audience don't like change but like creativity. Hence it's a matter of having a balance between the two, not too much creativity like this video or my first AS level idea. Then the non diegetic score kicks in and the band starts lip syncing. The rage is emphasis in the sound as the male protagonist says "I thought of all people you would understand". I think it was effective when there was non diegetic score of gun shots over the top of the fast passed chorus of the song. Moreover at the end of the song the girls voice saying "I will always be there for you" from the beginning is used as non diegetic sound.
Camera angles - The first long shot is establishing the setting and the characters. The close up shots show the intimacy between the couple and creates sympathy for them and as the singer almost knows what's going to happen there are extra close ups of his mouth and eyes to reveal that it is him telling us as he's seen it, but I find it as a viewer slightly disorientating. Therefore, there is mostly close ups and long shots to show the location and emotions with facial expressions and body language the. Next there were more mid shots and long mid shots so that the audience could follow the story from a certain distance. The first shot of the stage is a long shot. Then it is mainly close ups again e.g. the wedding ring the female protagonist was hold symbolizing love or possibly doubt of love. After that there were mid shots of the male protagonist and other male antagonists having their hair cut it connotes their change in personality so the males may not be the same when they go back. Plus they are committing themselves to the army instead of his marriage. There were server pans at the beginning of the music video but when the male protagonist is in the war zone hand held camera is used more. zoom shots are used when the band is in the frame.
Monday, 23 September 2013
Motion City SoundTrack
A completely different and clever interpretation is that he is blind to the real world because of media and could be in a simulation like the matrix but the media is making us commit to memory the simulation. Or maybe it's my imagination and I'm reading too much into it because it sounds a bit far fetched.
Font- Black, slanted to the right, bold, big, thick and slightly sketchy with a grey background. The albums name is in small scribbled handwriting. I in fact missed this at first glance hence it was good that the artists name was big enough to read from far distances so that the customers will know the brand. The orange and pink is also vibrant and so stands out.
Colour - peach pink + grey I think its almost a cracked wall and the graphics are supposed to be graffiti or it is supposed to symbolise a storm and the grey is lightning causing the birds to fly off. This is reinforced by the saying red sky in the morning shepherds warning - with the pink red sky warning the shepherds to get their sheep in because there may be a storm. The black and white connotes an old antiquated feeling like news paper so maybe the lyrics are related to the news. or it could be connoting death and purity again but that is unlikely with the grey.
Language - it could infer that "Motion City Soundtrack" is quite loud because the city is quite loud. However motion sounds quite slow - from slow motion but then sound track makes it sound like a pop song as it is upbeat so I will have to look it up on youtube to figure out what the tone of the music is it seems quite catchy with the album name "Commit to memory". Or another interpretation is that the lyrics are so fast that it is difficult to hear them thus it is ironic and near on to memorise lots of word all at once. or the lyrics in one of the songs is called that - usually the best song of the album is what the album is named.
Layout - the layout is quite interesting because it is almost as if it was designed to rotate once to the left - i could challenge this convention design the whole CD cover and rotate it 90 degrees right. the album name ifs shaped to follow the ribbon to almost flow. The land scape slightly seen behind the male protagonist also ends slanted a bit.
Font- Black, slanted to the right, bold, big, thick and slightly sketchy with a grey background. The albums name is in small scribbled handwriting. I in fact missed this at first glance hence it was good that the artists name was big enough to read from far distances so that the customers will know the brand. The orange and pink is also vibrant and so stands out.
Colour - peach pink + grey I think its almost a cracked wall and the graphics are supposed to be graffiti or it is supposed to symbolise a storm and the grey is lightning causing the birds to fly off. This is reinforced by the saying red sky in the morning shepherds warning - with the pink red sky warning the shepherds to get their sheep in because there may be a storm. The black and white connotes an old antiquated feeling like news paper so maybe the lyrics are related to the news. or it could be connoting death and purity again but that is unlikely with the grey.
Language - it could infer that "Motion City Soundtrack" is quite loud because the city is quite loud. However motion sounds quite slow - from slow motion but then sound track makes it sound like a pop song as it is upbeat so I will have to look it up on youtube to figure out what the tone of the music is it seems quite catchy with the album name "Commit to memory". Or another interpretation is that the lyrics are so fast that it is difficult to hear them thus it is ironic and near on to memorise lots of word all at once. or the lyrics in one of the songs is called that - usually the best song of the album is what the album is named.
Layout - the layout is quite interesting because it is almost as if it was designed to rotate once to the left - i could challenge this convention design the whole CD cover and rotate it 90 degrees right. the album name ifs shaped to follow the ribbon to almost flow. The land scape slightly seen behind the male protagonist also ends slanted a bit.
Jimmy eat world album cover
Colour: the trophies are gold and silver which denotes wealth possibly a wealth of talent more than money. The blue back wall connotes masculinity again. The white writing connotes purity and stands out against the background
Font: Compared to all the other CD covers this has the smallest font so far. Also for the first time both The album name and artists name is the same size. However, it is quite wide and thanks to the colour easily viable to audiences,especially young customer because there eye site is probably better.
Layout: The album name and artists name is high and centre. This is divided by a thin small red line and the trophies are all jagged around the platform or shelf in roughly height order so they can be seen.
Language: Jimmy eat the world - it is impossible for one person to eat the planet earth thus it must be a literary meaning which I am in the process of looking up- "The younger brothers of Tom Linton, a guitarist of the band, had two brothers named Jim and Ed. When his brothers were children, they often fought, and Jim would often win. To have his revenge, Ed created a crayon drawing of Jim eating the world, and called this drawing "Jimmy Eat World."" the story behind the bands name is in fact quite interesting. I then looked up the meaning of the albums name "Bleed America" and found that after 9/11 they changed its name to "salt sweat sugar" with risk of offending anyone Thus this is an old album and the band has probably moved on since.
Tuesday, 17 September 2013
Avril Lavigne album cover and Video
Mise-en-scene - It is strange how "The Only Exception" have such similar settings; waking up in living room/bedroom doing make up and changing clothes or perfume, to the band and club and then back to the living room/bedroom with their male antagonists. This is because it has been adapted from the same genre therefore it follows the post-modern theory that everything is a remix. Therefore I want to design a post modern video but I think I will have a majority of the musicians to be male. This is partly because the singer in my music is male but also because this is a key convention throughout the pop punk genre. I feel that the costumes used sum up the pop punk genre because it is slightly mainstream with the denim shorts and leather leggings for pop but also has an edgy black punk tops connoting death. Also I like the idea of having the lyrics printed on the tops as it enhances the brand by expanding the company and using synergy, which this promo is blatantly doing. This is revealed when Avril puts on her own brands of perfume advertising both the music and her perfume.The female protagonists facial expressions and body language is happy and relaxed and the male protagonist is angry and annoyed because the female keeps on messing him about keeping him on his toes by having fun.
Camera: She is able to have fun because of how wealthy she is and because she has a rock star rebel lifestyle. for example just as she wakes up she looks around the room that is shown through an eye line shot and smiles through a close up conveying that she is proud of her success. Through the long shots the location is established with the aid of props which I should have mentioned in the mise en scene section (Clothes, a bed caupboards ect). Anyway back to camera there are mostly mid and close up shots throughout the music video it is only when people or places are introduced that there are long shots. For example the band has a couple the audience of the band the basket ball players the fashion shop and designer.
Editing - Not only are her costume changes brilliant at the beginning but the away she exited from the shop (wasn't the way she went in technically this bad continuity) but she ended up in the entrance to the club. However the lip syncing in this is not very good at all as she starts singing with her band and then stops when she meets up with her boyfriend on the dance floor therefore the verisimilitude in the video is very low which means that it is unrealistic..
Sound: There was no diegetic or foley sounds just the non diegetic score over the music trying to be and acting diegetic.

Colour - "What the Hell" is in red which connotes blood or another interpretation would symbolise love. However, in this context I think it mean blood because of the language that is written. The black costume connotes death symbolising the pop-punkness.
Fonts: Artists name is bold but sketchy. the Album name is once again smaller than the artists but it is in capitals like the album name. The drink me necklace is in quite a funky font reinforcing the importance of fashion in the genre because it almost emphasises the brand that is signified.
Language "What the Hell" with no question mark this conveys the freedom and care free spirit of genre and the general quote is rebelling against society. She is wearing a necklace that has "Drink me" on it. this is probably referring to music video called Alice in the album relating to the potion that makes Alice in wonderland bigger.
Layout - The layout of the artists name is following the pattern of the fact that she doesn't care as the Avril is on a slant. this is also jagged with the album title which makes it edgy and visually effective.
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