Colour: the trophies are gold and silver which denotes wealth possibly a wealth of talent more than money. The blue back wall connotes masculinity again. The white writing connotes purity and stands out against the background
Font: Compared to all the other CD covers this has the smallest font so far. Also for the first time both The album name and artists name is the same size. However, it is quite wide and thanks to the colour easily viable to audiences,especially young customer because there eye site is probably better.
Layout: The album name and artists name is high and centre. This is divided by a thin small red line and the trophies are all jagged around the platform or shelf in roughly height order so they can be seen.
Language: Jimmy eat the world - it is impossible for one person to eat the planet earth thus it must be a literary meaning which I am in the process of looking up- "The younger brothers of Tom Linton, a guitarist of the band, had two brothers named Jim and Ed. When his brothers were children, they often fought, and Jim would often win. To have his revenge, Ed created a crayon drawing of Jim eating the world, and called this drawing "Jimmy Eat World."" the story behind the bands name is in fact quite interesting. I then looked up the meaning of the albums name "Bleed America" and found that after 9/11 they changed its name to "salt sweat sugar" with risk of offending anyone Thus this is an old album and the band has probably moved on since.
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